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Showing posts from September, 2012


Over the years community based telecentres, rural service centres, ICT resource centre and others that share similar synonyms have been yearning for technical and management support to enable their organizations provide required services and operate sustainably. Equally many of the southern African countries need collaborative efforts to ensure that telecentres share and inform each other on key issues that affect respective development agenda. The advent of Southern Africa Telecentre Network and emerging telecentre networks in countries of the region is proving to give hope to a number of national telecentre practitioners to mobilize themselves into formidable service delivery national organizations. Strong and viable regional and national organisations will provide opportunities for fostering information sharing and capacity development for the work of community telecentres and generally integration of ICTs in areas of agriculture, health, education and other social and economic sect...


As a developing country where the youth aged 25 years and below account for 68% of the country’s estimated 11.7 million people according to Zambia Central Statistics Office, 2006 projections. With a rise in population according to the 2010 Census preliminary results, in which the country’s population recorded to be about 13 million, the youth population is also expected to rise. This bottom heavy demographic presents a major challenge with its far reaching consequences on the productive and social sectors of the country. The main problems that youth in Zambia face include poor information flow on issues affecting their own survival and transition into adulthood, limited participation in national development and decision making, lack of quality and adequate and equal education especially secondary, lack of quality, affordable, and easily accessible training, lifelong learning and skills development opportunities, an absence of youth rights, lack of opportunities for their integration in...


The critical challenge in African countries and Zambia in particular is access to information resources and services that add value to the lives of people. Most of the potential of rural African resources and its people still remain untapped. Thus among others, we face several challenges. To contribute to the development of ICTs in southern Africa, Southern Africa Telecentre Network (SATNET ) focuses on supporting innovative activities that would help reduce digital divide, facilitate service delivery to rest of the population. This can only be attained through the use of local based ICT infrastructures; community telecentres. Our expectations are to effectively contribute to the Zambian and Southern African Development Community (SADC) knowledge society as guided by existing Zambian, regional and international policies. Importance of agriculture and its trends in Zambia and southern Africa Agriculture plays a critical role to the economies of Southern African countries. The sector con...


This success story is based on the presentation made at the Southern Africa Telecentre Network and Panos Institute of Southern Africa Media Forum on the Role of ICTs in Agricultural Development . The success story is based on Panos experiences in implementing radio/ICT initiative in Zambia in particular Kasempa and Itezhi Tezhi districts under a programme supported by Common Market for East and Southern Africa (COMESA) Regional ICT Programme. In this case Convergenceis used as enshrined in the Zambia ICT Policy as culmination of traditional services in telecoms, online media, broadcasting and information technology into platform and services making the ICT sector. Radio as tools for development Radio offers the best opportunities for the dissemination of information to rural communities.With a wide coverage of radio accross Zambia and the availability of easy to operate, portable FM radio gadgets which can be used with disposable batteries, more people from low income, and rural areas ...

Access to information at the door steps; the story of Nteletsa 2 Telecentres in Botswana

Introduction: The blog is a collection in a series which are part of the Study Tour which Zambia Telecentre Network selected team of Four undertook to Botswana in August,2011,with support from Southern Africa Telecentre Network to learn and exchange the use of ICTs in the country and its connection to livestock and agriclture. Nteletsa is a Tseswana word that means ‘call me’. The Telecentres are deployed as a public private partnership project between the Ministry of Technology and Communication and Mobile phone network operators Botswana. This initiative is part of the government’s effort to achieve rural access to information as part of the universal access agenda. Under the department of Telecommunication and Postal services , the government of Botswana have developed an innovative approach to respond to the high need of information for survival and development among the rural population of the country who are mainly livestock farmers. The information centres are deployed in diff...

Mobile Learning;Lessons learnt from the eLearning Africa 2010

As mobile phones becomes cheap and accessible by most people in society , it has become the most preferred mode of communication for many .However, the question of how mobile phones can add real value to the student’s learning experience becomes a concern for many .The varied components needed to ensure an appropriate educational design was the main focus of discussion in this session .Applications to new devices and the better use of existing tools were shown during this session. The session was chaired by Richard Niyonkuru,M & E Advisor for ICT ,Ministry of Education ,Rwanda. John Traxler ,Learning Lab ,UK gave the first presentation entitled Learning with ‘Appropriate ‘Technology : PC Labs or Mobile Phones . In his presentation, the speaker stated that It is important and urgent to debate and discuss the issue of ‘development’ in relation to e-learning and the issue of ‘appropriate’ technology in relation to e-learning, and especially to debate and discuss these issues in rela...

Flexible Learning: From TVET Policy to Skills Training Practice ; Opportunities for Telecentres

The Fifth International Conference on ICT4D ,Education and Training , E-Learning Africa 2010, took place in Lusaka, Zambia from 26th to 28th May, 2010 . eLA is the largest gathering of eLearning and distance education professionals in Africa, enabling participants to develop multinational and cross-industry contacts and partnerships, as well as to enhance their knowledge, expertise and abilities. As one of the relevant events at the conference ,the WVS-Representative attended the 4th African UNESCO-UNEVOC TVET Summit: “Flexible Learning: From TVET Policy to Skills Training Practice”, which was led by UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training ,Common Wealth of Learning and German Federal Institute for Vocational Training . The event took place in the Main Hall from 09:30 to 16:45 Hrs . This year’s summit was planned to have two main elements: The adoption by TVET institutions and skills training providers of: 1. A technology-supported, blen...

A redefined Youth African Image

Dear All, The time has come and the opportunity is here to speak out. To tell the story that Africa’s youth is not some black NGO statistic or sad clip on the international news. We are Africa’s youth: brilliant, determined, innovative, and ethical and the foundation of a new Africa. This is a redefined African youth image. We will take our stories of hard work and resourcefulness to the streets, we will take them to the World Wide Web and the world will hear us roar. That is “I am Africa. This is my story…” Every African youth has a story and is worthy of telling it. Every African youth has a story worth listening to. Millions of African youth from all levels of society, tribe and religion have a history, challenges, purpose and a future. African youth, You have the right, freedom now an opportunity to tell to the world who you really are. As African youth, you have the right to tell the story the international press has failed miserably to tell...

Telecentres and Internet Governance, Lessons Learnt from the Inaugural Southern Africa Internet Governance Forum

“In this new environment, the danger of the gap between the rich and poor in Africa is growing wider and more seriously than ever and threatens the economic prosperity, social stability, and very survival of democracy. Measures are needed to give all citizens the opportunity to acquire knowledge, frequently update that knowledge, and become fully engaged members of society. Southern Africa Telecentre Network (SATNET) recognises that internet communication is central to the transforming of the way people interact all over the world. However, access to it is largely dependent on its governance. It is through various ICT tools such as the computer and mobile phone that citizens access internet services. However, access to and interaction through internet among citizens in Africa still remains an obstacle. We believe that universal access to ICTs and internet is the key to the above challenge. We have a choice in our quest to achieve universal access. From our experiences and feedback fro...

Exciting environmental film competition goes global

Do you feel strongly about the environment and the issues that affect it? Do you enjoy getting behind the camera to make films? Do you want to be in with a chance of winning $1500? If you answered ‘yes’ to all of the above, read on! The hugely successful tvebiomovies competition is back and is giving you the opportunity to show off your creative film making abilities through YouTube. With 5 categories to enter, there is something for everyone. If your idea makes it to the shortlist, we’ll give you $300 to turn it into reality. Finalist films will be screened at the UN COP18 Conference in Qatar and they’ll also go head-to-head for 5 prizes of $1500. To find out more and to submit a proposal, visit You’ll also be able to watch some of last year’s winning films. Proposals must be entered by 5th September so you haven’t got long. The clock is ticking for you and for the planet…what are you waiting for? Originally posted on

Sustainability Challenges in Nteletsa and Kitsong Centres in Botswana, can local content creation and repackaging help.

Botswana is a landlocked country in southern Africa. The country’s name comes from its largest ethnic group, the Tswana. A large majority of the population lives in the eastern part of the country, near the border with South Africa. Botswana’s diamond mines and other mineral deposits have made it one of the wealthiest African countries. The country has maintained an impressive rate of economic growth since independence. Most of the country is quite dry and unsuited for agriculture. The Kalahari Desert covers much of central and south-western Botswana. The country is noted for its many animal reserves. According to the CIA World Fact book as of July, 12th 2011, Botswana has a population of approximately 2,065,398, with an area of about 581,730 sq km. The 2003 estimates population share between rural and urban areas were 49% and 51% respectively. However, the share for urban areas is expected to have grown as more rural youths are recorded to have migrated to urban areas in search of emp...