Dear All,
The time has come and the opportunity is here to speak out.
To tell the story that Africa’s youth is not some black NGO statistic
or sad clip on the international news.
We are Africa’s youth: brilliant, determined, innovative, and ethical
and the foundation of a new Africa. This is a redefined African youth
We will take our stories of hard work and resourcefulness to the
streets, we will take them to the World Wide Web and the world will
hear us roar. That is “I am Africa. This is my story…”
Every African youth has a story and is worthy of telling it.
Every African youth has a story worth listening to. Millions of
African youth from all levels of society, tribe and religion have a
history, challenges, purpose and a future. African youth, You have the
right, freedom now an opportunity to tell to the world who you really
As African youth, you have the right to tell the story the
international press has failed miserably to tell. African youth are
bright and shining stars, hard workers, resourceful, faithful to
families and the foundation of Africa’s future.
There is no story greater than another. A young single mother who puts
food on the table is as honorable as one getting a medical degree in
the UK. Everyone plays a role in the story that is Africa.
Young man, young woman! Think of the great stories you have heard in
your life. Some may be from an expensive Hollywood movie or a TV show.
The best ones are when someone you know opens their heart and tells
you about their life. It is sharing something important with a friend,
it is personal and real.
When great stories come from the heart and soul, something inside of
us changes. Great stories also seem to be about someone overcoming the
odds of failure and oppression to build something positive and new.
When we hear a great story, we secretly cheer the storyteller on; we
honor what they have done.
When someone tells a story about their life it is powerful, because it
is real. Like lighting a candle in a dark room, a story brightens our
life with hope. The story breathes life into our hearts and encourages
us to keep on going when things seem impossible.
Great stories inspire people to do new and innovative things. We
listen, watch, learn, and then build something even better.
When an African youth succeeds, all of Africa succeeds. When an
organization helps one African Youth transform their life, they have
helped all of Africa’s youth transform. When you look at all of the
amazing stories African youth have achieved together we witness the
oneness and the promise that is Africa’s future. That greater
collective story must be told.
Deeply touched, Richard, CEO of Chrysalis Campaign Inc. once said,
“Every time I have worked in Africa taking photographs, writing, or
working at missions, I have been asked by orphanages, business owners,
teachers and youth raising families, ‘Please tell our story.’ It
always breaks my heart to hear this, because there are so many stories
to tell.”
When chatting, Richard and Wandila Simon an African youth, realized
that they could empower African youth with the free resources to tell
their stories to the entire world. Now the idea is being realized,
with the help of UNESCO, with a YouTube channel and the African youth
community. African youth and supporters are the heroes, and they
deserve the recognition and fame.
An educational, cultural and business opportunity for African youth to
have an international voice in a constructive way. For African youth
to have a way to educate one another into a new future. To encourage
diverse African communities and organizations to work together and
show the world that African youth are worth investing in. “I am
Africa. This is my story…” was born, and this is what it is.
The first reason for this contest is that we want to teach African
youth how to acquire the resources in the world through the Internet.
The second reason is for Africa’s youth to learn how to work and trust
one another to achieve personal, family, community and country
transformation through intelligent, ethical decisions. It is to
encourage one another when things seem impossible and difficult.
Seeing and hearing the testimonies of our brothers and sisters
encouraging each other to take another step, show that the impossible
can become possible everyday. Together you are Africa and this is your
Only you can tell your story, but we can help with:
1. Free social community and YouTube channel.
2. Free customizable web page.
3. Free training materials on how to tell a YouTube story.
4. Free certificate and chance to win a new laptop.
5. Materials on how to find people who will help you.
Just publishing your story makes you a winner. It makes you a part of
the greater story that is “I am Africa. This is my story...”
The internet and social media today is a great tool for agricultural
development, by means of improving information communication and
management, and knowledge management. This gives life to the concept
that knowledge of farming is equal to prosperity; where as lack of
knowledge of farming is equal to death. As organisations working with
African youth, there are so many ways in which you can help the youth
of Africa to tell their story.
Secretly you have always wanted to tell the world what you do, now is
your chance.
Storytelling in Africa is the greatest of traditions and the impact of
Internet social media is our youth’s greatest gift. We have joined
forces with UNESCO Power of Peace Network to not only provide youth
with a free storytelling curriculum but free software tools as well.
This contest will grow your business with free marketing and training
Imagine your local community seeing their own story on the global
Internet. This a grass roots movement of African pride.
As a development organization, this program is designed to not only
tell the story of your organization’s work in the life of a single
youths life, it will help grow your business.
You can submit from one to hundreds of your clients’ videos on
YouTube. Your organisation will also have a free private web page
viewed by people throughout Africa and the world.
You will receive free training and publishing tools that can add
services that you can use to help students and NGOs with the contest.
Each African youth digital story YouTube video is a powerful statement
of determination, leadership and positive ethics. Not only do African
youth and businesses need encouragement in the future of Africa, but
the world needs to hear about it as well.
This educational contest is unique and exciting because the smallest
orphange to the largest NGO will all be on equal ground telling how
youth are being transformed. It represents not only a united voice for
African youth, but a united voice for those who help and work in
Africa. It will show that Africa’s people are remarkable and worth
investing in.
When you help an African youth tell their story of transformation and
success everyone wins. The world needs to know what they are capable
There is a myth in the press “That we report on the world, not shape
it.” That may have had some truth in old TV and print, but it is a
myth on the Internet today. This Africa-wide YouTube contest for youth
called “I am Africa. This is my story…” is your chance to use your
media to make a positive global impact.
When we brought the idea to UNESCO PPN of our plan to bypass mass
media with a message of positive determination, they were excited. The
press and bloggers were also excited that they can use these videos.
We are looking forward to members of the press submitting entries
about their lives as well.
This contest has African media taking a very bold leap by educating
Africa’s youth on how to publish their own stories. As we have seen
with CNN reporters, this is a powerful tool and now your blog, paper,
print and television channel can leverage it.
The foundation of this contest is an educational way to jumpstart
schools, cybercafes, telecentres development organisations and youth
in the educational power of the Web. Here is your opportunity to work
with them and take the curriculum into your schools. As members of the
press, you know this is possible. You will have training material for
your community
Help give Africa’s youth a voice. Let’s hear you roar, “I am Africa.
This is my story…”
Secretly you have always wanted to do more than report, you want to
change the world, and now you can. There is a myth in the press “That
we report on the world, not shape it.” That may have had some truth in
old TV and print, but it is a myth on the Internet today. This
Africa-wide YouTube contest for youth called “I am Africa. This is my
story…” is your chance to to use your media to make a positive global
Your sponsorship is greatly needed for us to get the words out.
However, your personal skills are also needed to help your local youth
tell their story. Perhaps you are under 35 and have your own story,
then here is your platform to tell it.
What you will receive with press sponsorship:
6. Contest “CyberGuide” Certificate and private web page.
7. A private page on “I am the Story” Ning Social Network.
8. Mention in an African youth contest video, if you choose to assist
in its development.
9. Your media can link to educational storytelling material for
readers. You have your own local contest and awards.
Many thanks to Southern Africa Telecentre Network, Chrysalis Campaign
and Youth Skills for Development for sponsoring the launch of this
project and UNESCO their support.
So we encourage you to place your story online for the entire world to
witness the wonder that is Africa and the future it is building.
Together, let’s save some lives.
...Originally posted on
"Youths are jobless and them developing Apps is just something to fulfill their hobbies.” Can you imagine? That's the comment that came from one of the Delegates at the ICT4Ag 2013 International Conference, Kigali, Rwanda. Put yourself in the shoes of the the youth, sit your self on that chair, and imagine listening to a respected person, a leader and credible consultant utter those words in the full presence of the youth. Like a sharp double edged sword, they would pierce in your heart, like a sharp stick accidentally plucking your ear they would resonate. This is just an example of many other humiliations youths undergo as they struggle to achieve their career goals. Youths are usually perceived as not so serious folks, who have no direction or clearly set goals. In many cases they are used as rubber stamps, just as some useful idiots not so important. Seemingly, not so important that the world can do without them. Yet, the youth are in the fore front of the gre...
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