Regional Workshop on “Engaging Youth in the Implementation Phase of the CAADP Transformation Agenda – KIS
The Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) is organising a Regional Workshop on “Engaging Youth in the Implementation Phase of the CAADP Transformation Agenda – KIS” on 9-10 May 2013 at the FARA Headquarters in Accra, Ghana.
The meeting will look at the entire CAADPcountry and regional policy processes, and identify innovative approaches for making job creation for young people a top priority of the AFSIPs that Africa countries are currently developing.
The Workshop will bring together youth, youth leaders, and policymakers including CAADP Country Team Leaders to articulate a workable strategy for effectively engaging youth along the implementation phase of the CAADP Transformation Agenda – KIS.
YPARD Africa will partner in this initiative, bringing together key youths in agricultural development in Africa. By working with representatives from an established youth network, continuity and long term strategies related to youth and the CAADP can be tasked to these members, through YPARD Africa, for implementation and follow up.
A combination of power point presentations and guided discussions in plenary sessions will be used. These discussions will be moderated by a facilitator. Outcomes of the plenary and panel discussions will be captured and key messages and recommendations developed.
The first day of the dialogue will be more introductory and informative to bring all participants to a common denominator. The second day will be dedicated to structured, more interactive, discussions, through the constituted panel discussions. This will provide the room for discussion and generate ideas and recommendations around the Workshop objectives.
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To keep you updated on the discussions taking place at the workshop, some youths will be tweeting live from Accra! Follow the discussions with Hashtag: #FARAYouth on 9-10 May 2013.
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