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Showing posts from 2014

A Social Reporter CTA has created in me; a new career is born

Since I got to the ICT for Development arena, I had never met an opportunity so challenging, overwhelming and inspiring; so much full of raising future hopes and ambitions. The Social Reporting task at the ICT4Ag International Conference , was the first of its kind turning my career and ambitions in new a direction. More interestingly, this coincided with a new approach to my work, having spent the few months before the event, brainstorming an Agribusiness model. Having spent about 5 years by then (2013), using social media actively, I had been exposed to a number of tasks randomly as well as structured. After so much work, especially working with the Southern Africa Telecentre Network in coordinating its online presence, I developed great passion for media work. My first most formally published article appeared in the ICT Update issue published in June, 2012, following my reporting for the CTA sponsored Study tour on telecentre initiatives in Botswana, titled: " Div...

Social reporting is not just about writing, but a learning and practice opportunity

Youth involvement in agriculture and rural development through ICTs , has recently been on a rise in ACP countries. Among the factors that have attributed to this development is the penetration and adoption of ICT in these regions. Across the agricultural sector, ICT tools and processes have facilitated various Agricultural Value Chain stages to yield sustainable growth. More so, the integration of ICT innovations has brought about a paradigm shift in Finance for Agriculture. While this development remains of  great importance to the ACP regions and the world over , the dissemination and exchange of information on best practices, emerging innovations, challenges and opportunities remains an important aspect of sustained development in the sector. The sharing of this stipulated information and knowledge through the use of  Social Media has proven to be successful . With ambitious youth and ICT, in particular digital media enthusiastic generation, social media i...

Agrihack initiative grooms ICT4Ag young entrepreneurs

Young entrepreneurs are already turning the wheels of the agricultural revolution. They are driving the paradigm shift in facilitating access and communication of agricultural information and knowledge. They are not just creating a buzz in ICT for Agriculture (ICT4Ag), but fervently transforming the practice of agriculture with innovative ICT solutions such as web and mobile applications. With increasing interest and support from various stakeholders in empowering these young ICT4Ag entrepreneurs, the digitisation of agriculture is beating odds, responding positively to concerns such as sustainability, nature and quality of information provided and engagement of youth and women. While the beginning of these initiatives was mainly inclined to the provision of information to support farmers at the production stage, the overwhelming support has so far seen the rebirth of approaches and innovations crossing the borders of provision of information for production only to as f...