Since I got to the ICT for Development arena, I had never met an
opportunity so challenging, overwhelming and inspiring; so much full of
raising future hopes and ambitions. The Social Reporting task at the ICT4Ag International Conference,
was the first of its kind turning my career and ambitions in new a
direction. More interestingly, this coincided with a new approach to my
work, having spent the few months before the event, brainstorming an
Agribusiness model.
Having spent about 5 years by then (2013), using social media actively, I had been exposed to a number of tasks randomly as well as structured. After so much work, especially working with the Southern Africa Telecentre Network in coordinating its online presence, I developed great passion for media work. My first most formally published article appeared in the ICT Update issue published in June, 2012, following my reporting for the CTA sponsored Study tour on telecentre initiatives in Botswana, titled: "Diversify to survive. Public-private partnerships revive Botswana's telecentre programme". Little did I know that I had sent such a strong positive message, until I started receiving compliments from various readers of ICT Update. It was so amazing, and eventually this granted me a number of new connections, a great network and more confidence. When I read the call for Social Reporters for the ICT4Ag International Conference, I did not hesitate to apply to collaborate in the vest of onsite Social Reporter.
What a time consuming application it was, and I knew there would be competition indeed. As I sat down to reflect on my previous work in the area of ICT for Agriculture, no statement could be complete without crediting the training on Web 2 and social media for development which I received during a workshop organized by Southern Africa Telecentre Network, the study tour on the Telecentre initiatives in Botswana, all opportunities made available through the generous support offered by CTA. I carefully complete my application and there was no doubt the best sample of published work I could submit was my first ever ICT Update published article. Read Full Article Here
Having spent about 5 years by then (2013), using social media actively, I had been exposed to a number of tasks randomly as well as structured. After so much work, especially working with the Southern Africa Telecentre Network in coordinating its online presence, I developed great passion for media work. My first most formally published article appeared in the ICT Update issue published in June, 2012, following my reporting for the CTA sponsored Study tour on telecentre initiatives in Botswana, titled: "Diversify to survive. Public-private partnerships revive Botswana's telecentre programme". Little did I know that I had sent such a strong positive message, until I started receiving compliments from various readers of ICT Update. It was so amazing, and eventually this granted me a number of new connections, a great network and more confidence. When I read the call for Social Reporters for the ICT4Ag International Conference, I did not hesitate to apply to collaborate in the vest of onsite Social Reporter.
What a time consuming application it was, and I knew there would be competition indeed. As I sat down to reflect on my previous work in the area of ICT for Agriculture, no statement could be complete without crediting the training on Web 2 and social media for development which I received during a workshop organized by Southern Africa Telecentre Network, the study tour on the Telecentre initiatives in Botswana, all opportunities made available through the generous support offered by CTA. I carefully complete my application and there was no doubt the best sample of published work I could submit was my first ever ICT Update published article. Read Full Article Here
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