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A Day In The Life Of A Volunteer: An Encounter With The Headteacher

This is a reflection from my diary based on a a cold day experience while undertaking community work. Some people still do not believe that one can volunteer without necessarily gaining financially. Many more people still do not appreciate the power that lies in Volunteerism. I am one of the people who have spent my few years on this earth believing in this power and clocking 10 years of Volunteer work, this year 2016. We walked out of our office with Ronald Chiteta Chiwaya in preparation of the Community Outreach Project - which we have been undertaking in July/August, since 2013 in selected schools within Kitwe (thanks to Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands, for the Student Volunteers).
We sat in that office, close to an hour trying to convince the School Manager to allow us to undertake a project that would benefit about 300 pupils and 30 Teachers of that school, with free Basic ICT Skills... We totally had no financial gain in doing so... It has been part of our commitment over the years to ensure that school children gain these skills... It has been an inner conviction that each one of us is responsible for the well being of society- the communities we live in, utilise resources available within our communities to ensure skills development for survival, increased access to information and participation of especially the young people in the civic affairs of the communities they live in...
Sadly, this seemingly UNREASONABLE and ENEMY OF DEVELOPMENT- School Manager mistook us for lukewarm desk and theoretical critics and dreamers of unattainable ideas. Our evidence of the report from previous year activities of a similar nature undertaken at the same school under the leadership of her predecessor was not enough for her... The support from our Focal persons within the school had fallen into deaf ears and unappreciative heart...
I looked into the eyes of my colleague whom I had taken on a learning-the-hard-way experience, and on his face a deep sense of the striking storm was written. His eyebrows straining, blood flowing high in his chest-elevating his posture- feet tightly stamped on the floor, and in a slight tone of the cracking finger muscles, he communicated to me; he had lost patience. For a mentee, well compounded in theoretical Human Rights Advocacy fit for community level work, a deep inculcation of Volunteerism flowing in his young blood, his eyes could tell that he could not hold his usually eloquent debate-filibuster like speeches anymore.
We could not resist inducing the extraction of hidden thoughts and agenda behind such negativity of this School Manager. Swiftly a direct observation of concern was deployed, and boooom - we got it.
In a furious voice she asked what the hell we got out of Volunteering... Claiming its insane for someone to spend time, skills and other resources, when they cannot get any financial benefit from such an activity... In her thoughts, we walked out with heavy pockets every time we conducted Free Basic ICT Skills training for pupils at that school... What a misconception...!
A time to explain to her our stance and inner strength to carry on the mission, she still could not believe it... A cold hour it was. We gave her few statements I believe she still remembers, she could not believe we had such strength and braveness within us... as powerless as we seemed in her eyes... There was no more time for negotiations, but stating of straight facts.
"Madam, thank you so much for spending this unproductive hour with us. Considering your authority at this school, the future of thousands of children lies in your hands, your decisions. It is unfortunate that you are abusing your authority, it is disappointing that the interest of these mainly poor children is not taken consideration into by your negative stance... We wonder who you are serving yet you get paid for sitting in this office. We are taking this opportunity to some similarly deserving children, we pray that your conscience will keep on reminding you that you are not serving the interests of the children who are very much in of these skills. You are denying these children an opportunity simply because we are Volunteers and you can not believe it, as per reason given to us... We shall remain Volunteers and hope that you will one day understand that its out of passion that we serve our community... Good day... we stood up AND we found our way out...
We went to another school, were given a warm welcome and undertook the project at that school benefiting more than 200 pupils and about 35 Teachers with free Basic ICT Skills at that school. In that year, project beneficiaries were about 600.
#VolunteerZambia I am a Volunteer for Life


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